The Pentagon’s FY2017 budget request once again proposes higher enrollment fees and copayments for...
National Guard Survey – Round 3
Soldiers, Airmen, and State Associations, We increased the number of surveys again last month and...
EANGUS is Reviewing the Final Report from the NCFA
WASHINGTON (Jan 28, 2015) - The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States...
National Guard Survey Results – Round 2
Soldiers and Airmen, We increased the number of surveys since last week. Please push this link...
Survey on the future of the National Guard
Soldiers and Airmen, Looking for your quick help on our 2016 National Guard Survey being conducted...
2016 Roll Call Wrap-Up Talking Points
ROLL CALL WRAP-UP TALKING POINTS Every month, EANGUS creates a Roll Call Wrap-Up that lists...
2016 National Defense Act Contains Education and GI Bill Changes
The 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was signed into law by President Obama on...
Senate Passes Bill to Protect Servicemembers from Foreclosure
House of Representatives Now Has to Act The Senate voted unanimously to pass legislation to help...
Veteran Status for the National Guard still has life for this year.
Read all way to the bottom..... Calendar No. 267 114th CONGRESS 1st Session S. 1203 [Report No....